sunset on the ocean

Possible Solutions To Social Problems


The term "social" in the foregoing title is intended to be construed in a broad sense, thereby incorporating an array of themes which, individually and collectively, can be considered to give expression to different dimensions of the social fabric in which we become entangled during our lifetimes. As such, the term "social" entails many topical issues -- for example, politics, economics, health, ecology, technology, institutions, education, the military, and so on.


The word "possible" is being used in the foregoing headline to qualify, to some extent, the nature of the entries which appear on this webpage overtime. In other words, everything which is to be posted here in the way of a video, audio track, or written essay constitutes an attempt to offer a constructive way of engaging one or another of the social problems with which human beings are confronted. However, the offerings that appear on this web page come with no guarantees but, instead, they are provided as so much 'food for thought' to be digested through the process of critical reflection in order to determine what might be of value and what might need to be discarded.


Solutions Are More Feasible Than We Often Are Led To Believe


Despite providing a caveat or cautionary warning concerning the "solutions" which, from time to time, are to be presented on this web page -- and this aspect of reservation is done in order to try to lend some perspective to critically reflecting on difficult issues and, thereby, prevent an element of absolutist thinking from seeping into the discussion -- nonetheless, I believe that solutions to many social problems are already at hand ... at least, in broad outline. Unfortunately, there are many vested interests and coping strategies (i.e., methods of dealing with the world which are intended to serve the interests of the individual but do not always do so) that find such "solutions" to be threatening and, therefore, seek to resist and undermine any serious effort to actually solve problems. Part of this resistance dynamic involves trying to control what other people can and can't do, and this control is exercised in a variety of ways -- economically, politically, legally, institutionally, educationally, spiritually, and so on.


There is no conspiracy theory being advocated here ... just simple human nature. When a person's circumstances are considered (whether rightly or wrongly) advantageous to that individual, such a person will tend to be antagonistic to anyone or anything which might alter those circumstances and render them less advantageous, while, simultaneously, being prepared to co-operate, to varying degrees, with anyone who is perceived to be capable of helping one to preserve his or her set of advantageous circumstances. "Solutions" that require such circumstances to change in order that things might become more advantageous to everyone constitute a threat to the person with vested interests, and, consequently, the individual who feels threatened in the foregoing fashion will tend to act accordingly -- either individually or, when deemed to be appropriate, in conjunction with other individuals who are perceived to be able to assist one in such endeavors.


In addition, oftentimes we are all slaves to our habits. We tend to be enamored with the way we do things even if that way proves itself to be dysfunctional or problematic in one way or another, and, thus, when someone comes along and proposes to disrupt one, or more, of our habitual ways of engaging existence, we tend to get a bit testy and combative. Quite frequently, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to taking steps which actually would enhance our situation if the price for doing so is having to disengage from the habits to which we are addicted for no other reasons than convenience and familiarity.


Every human being has a duty of care to other human beings. This duty of care consists of doing everything one can to ensure that the sovereignty (along with the human rights which such sovereignty entails) of other human beings is constructively advanced and secured, because without the presence of this sort of duty of care, no one's sovereignty is safe.


The foregoing notion of "duty of care" is the criteria which helps to sort out those 'solutions' which might have a real chance to, on the one hand, protect the sovereignty of everyone, and, therefore, be to the advantage of all, and, on the other hand, those 'solutions' which tend to undermine the principle of sovereignty and, in the process, work against being to everyone's advantage. Hopefully, the 'possible solutions' being presented through this page are inclined toward the former kind of 'solutions' rather than the latter sort of consideration. Too many 'solutions' today are geared to the advantage of the few and the disadvantage of the many even as the few seek to use techniques of undue influence to induce the many to believe that what is not really in the best interests of helping to realize everyone's sovereignty is manna from heaven.


Every two to three weeks (this is an estimate, not a promise), new entries for the 'solutions' sweepstakes will be added to the web page. And, I believe that when one considers all of the videos together, one will start to develop a deep sense of, and feeling for, how all of the pieces of a broader solution might begin to fit together to serve the interests of real sovereignty which will, in turn, serve the interests of the planet and future generations of all species of life.


The following three videos (the first video deals with the problematic ramifications which ensue from the manufacture of electronic goods, the second video explores some of the problematic issues surrounding the use of bottled water, and the third video provides an overview concerning the issue of change) are as good a way, as any, of getting the 'solutions' ball rolling. However, one should keep in mind that none of the videos which appear on this web page are offered as complete solutions, or not even necessarily fully satisfactory attempts to enhance the human condition, but, rather, every posting has something constructive to suggest with respect to trying to work toward a set of possibilities, that when considered collectively, begin to assume a heuristically valuable paradigm to use to help shape thinking about constructive, non-violent ways of enhancing everyone's sovereignty.


One doesn't have to agree with everything which is being said in these videos in order to be able to appreciate that the people who are committed to the 'Story of Stuff Project' have been doing a lot of interesting thinking and work with respect to developing solutions which are really in everybody's best interests as far as helping them to establish, secure, and enhance their opportunity to be able to fully realize their inherent right to sovereignty. If you like the following videos, then, I would urge you to make contact with, and/or donate to: 'The Story of Stuff Project'. One can find a variety of other videos on social issues at the Story of Stuff website, plus many helpful resources.

The Story of Electronics


Why 'Designed for the Dump' is Toxic for the People and the Planet


The Story of Bottled Water


How 'Manufactured Demand" Pushes What We Don't Need and Destroys What We Need Most


The Story of Change


Why Citizens (Not Shoppers) Hold the Key To A Better World


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Interrogative Imperative Institute, Brewer, Maine 04412