Educatioinal Horizons

Interrogative Imperative Institute

At the heart of Educatioinal Horizons is the Final Jeopardy challenge which requires a person to try to construct the best possible response in relation to the following fundamental problem.

What is the truth concerning the nature of one's relationship with Being?


To a considerable degree, trying to resolve the foregoing issue gives expression to an essential dimension inherent in the process of seeking to discover the purpose of life. Consequently, one might anticipate that such a theme should also be reflected in the purpose of education.

Some of the topics explored during this volume are: The life and ideas of John Holt; cognitive development; human nature; the construction of social reality; reason; several landmark court cases involving the evolution v. creationism debate; Noam Chomsky; Sam Harris; propaganda, sovereignty; qualities of a teacher; epistemology; hermeneutical field theory, as well as some rather revolutionary ideas concerning education and the Constitution.

Interrogative Imperative Institute
Copyright 2003-2021, Interrogative Imperative Institute, Brewer, Maine, 04412